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Our Services

Public-Private Partnerships

4 Levels of Memberships

Cross-Cultural Business Inteligence

Matchmaking Referral Services

The TCA is here to guide your business through the import/export process as efficcently and cost-effectivly as possible.


We offer cross-cultural international business consulting services, marketing intelligence, and business marchmaking. We do it based on a cost-effective and realiable approach to the needs and goals of your company.


The Trade Center of the America's mission is to foster economic growth in the Americas, by providing international business opportunities based on social impact and sustainable development practices. 

The four pillars of our business model are based on our vision that,  together, by including all actors of trade, we can create a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

Our Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) service is available to all public entities, including local-foreign governments.They are designed to bridge the gap between private-public entities in order to promote trade and investment opportunities based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals 

If you want to join our international business community, learn more about a TCA memberships.

An Inclusive and Sustainable Trade Ecosystem


Are you a start-up or small enterprise looking to expand and grow your business in new markets?

We can help you achieve your company's goals faster. For us, the sky is the limit.


At the TCA we are passionate about connecting, establishing relationships with our customers, and building a community based on trust, diversity, and the pursuit of an inclusive economy. Our mission is framed on corporate responsibility and sustainability. We want to learn how to better serve our customers.

The four pillars of our business model are carefully and thoughtfully customized to provide our diverse pool of customers (from every single part of the Americas)  with the best professional services and highest quality standards. 

Through our digital-data platform (coming soon), we use technology to effectively, efficiently and with the highest security standards, compile market information to build a network of supply chain actors. 

Through a personable and friendly approach, we build the foundation of our inclusive business model.


Bilingual Cross-Cultural Business Intelligence Consulting

We believe that a personal approach to business development is the key to success. We want to establish a relationship with our clients based on trust and the commitment to mutual success.

If you have specific issues or concerns about which you would like the benefit of one-on-one consulting, TCA provides hourly consultation services that allow you to benefit from TCA’s experience and cultural know-how to find innovative solutions to challenges you encounter while planning to expand internationally.

We provide guidance to help overcome obstacles you may face expanding your business internationally through our cost-effective, culturally aware, and sustainable business model. This service is fee-based and available to members and non-members.

Bussinessman in Modern Office

How do we do it?

  • Based on our values of diversity and inclusion, integrity, and sustainability, our first step to doing business is establishing a personal relationship with our clients.

  • We listen to your needs and expectations to understand your goals

  • Together, we explore possibilities of working with you in the pursuit of expanding to new markets and trade opportunities.

  • We establish a guideline to define your objectives and our role in meeting your expectations through a comprehensive business strategy.

  • We rely on market data analytics as well as research to customize the most suitable business perspectives for your products

  • We provide you with a comprehensive business plan to guide you on taking your business to the next level 

  • Based on our professional experience, we are here to help you navigate the complexity of the cross-cultural business landscape. This is what makes the TCA a unique experience!

Public-Private Partnerships

Public-Private Partnerships

At the TCA, we are committed to the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda. As part of the SDG No. 17, Partnership for the Goals. Thus, we have established a platform for building public-private-partnerships (PPPs) in order to include all trade actors in our vision of promoting inclusive economic growth through trade and investment based on sustainable practices.

We connect and facilitate dialogue as well as capacity building opportunities between governments (foreign-local-nationwide), local and international public organizations, and local and international private institutions (companies, NGOs, etc), producers, small businesses, and women and minority-owned companies as well as startups.


Because of the diverse nature of services provided by the public sector, we are committed to building a community of support in providing opportunities to accelerate trade and international investment to our customers. Connecting the dots between the public and private sector, including  NGOs, think tanks, academia, data, technology, etc. is the most effective path to achieve this goal.

Through establishing public-private partnerships, we want to promote a more accessible trade ecosystem. We are aware of the challenges that many small businesses need to overcome in order to promote their products and services. At the TCA we want to be able to provide a comprehensive and approachable platform through bridging the gaps between sectors and build networks of support. 

Examples of Private-Public-Partnerships are the trade missions, trade forums, business discussions, investment opportunities panels, promoting public initiatives focused on trade, projects focused on trade, international development, and capacity building.

Referal Matcing Services

Trade Referal Matching Services

Are you a buyer looking for new inventory? Or perhaps a seller looking for new clients or markets? We help to establish reliable, cost-effective supply chains by pairing buyers and sellers, maximizing profitability for both parties. 

Silk Rolls
Combine Harvester on Field

As entrepreneurs doing international business across the Americas, we have a thorough understanding of the challenges of accessing new markets. With that in mind, we have created a dedicated Business Opportunity Referral Service where we connect suppliers and buyers on a one-on-one basis across the Americas.  After suppliers provide specific information about their goods and services offered, TCA identifies potential business partners with related needs looking for suppliers.  TCA makes a direct connection and introduction for the two businesses.  TCA is paid for this service in the form of a commission.    This service is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in independently tailored commission agreements. 

Via a thorough examination of potential target markets for your product, the TCA will develop a strategic plan to meet your needs with ease and efficiency. Once you are ready to promote and market your products or services, internationally, we will identify potential suppliers/customers and help establish a reliable supply chain for your offer and or demand. We will make sure to provide a personalized reference guide to find a profitable market for your business.



We offer bi-monthly, hour-long virtual educational seminars on a variety of topics for up to 500 attendees, with preference given to members. Our guest speakers and experienced partners speak on subjects such as navigating business culture in different nations, market entry strategies, writing a strategic plan, and leadership development. We also offer customized seminars upon request. 


To learn more, check out our Membership page.

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© 2020 Trade Center of the Americas 

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